This article How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle Change aims to explain the easiest way to begin a healthy lifestyle change.
To begin to change your lifestyle, it is important to know your why ? Why do you want to make a healthy lifestyle change ? Obviously you would like to become healthy, but if there is a particular thing you would like to accomplish such as loosing weight, prevention of illness it’s good to have that in the forefront of your mind, as this will be your primary motivation and fuel for achieving your healthy lifestyle change.
Goal Setting Is The Second Step
Now you know your why which will be your driving motivation.
It’s also important to set a goal for when you want to achieve this by a certain date so you have a goal to stear towards. It all about making your desire conscious to your self so you don’t forget about it. That’s why writing it down is very helpful because at the same time you set an intention for your desire so that you can manifest it.
For example, you could write down a date in the next half year by a certain date you feel is achievable, and in this time you will work on slowly implementing a lasting and healthy lifestyle change.
Setting Up Your Environment For Change
For Type 2 Diabetics the motivation for starting a healthy lifestyle change would be to stabilize their blood sugar and become healthy. But you could of course have other reasons in mind for starting your healthy lifestyle change such as weight loss. Whatever the reason is, the environment we live in play a major role on the decisions we make.
For example if our easy food availability was centered on health foods, there would be less ill people. A big reason for Type 2 Diabetes is that our easy and ready-made food availability is mostly focused on fast food and junk food instead of health foods.
If there were more health foods easy and ready available there would be less ill people. Therefore, our environment affect us a lot in the decisions we make. So I suggest that you rid your home for unhealthy snacks that would slow down or even destroy your progress in achieving a healthy lifestyle change.
Slowly Make Changes One Thing At a Time
Great! Now that you have set up your environment, you can begin focusing on what you want to change.
It’s very important to realize that when wanting to change habits, it is something that will take time, and not happen overnight.
You can’t change all your daily routines just like that. That would be totally overwhelming. But to take one thing at a time, and focus on that, and make that a part of your daily routine for a while, perhaps a couple of weeks before changing something else. That way you incorporate that thing into your daily routine. For example, it could be that you want to change your breakfast meals first, so you focus on getting your breakfast meals right, until you move on to the lunch meals or whatever it is that you want to change next.
Slow and small changes make BIG differences!
It’s All About Creating New Routines And Habits
It’s all about creating new routines and habits so be sure that what you love the changes that you make, and they make you feel better. This will help you to stick to them.
Whatever routines you want to make or change you can write them out if you like. That is a good way of knowing precisely what you want, and it becomes so much easier to carry them out when you know what you want. Keep them as simple as possible. Your experience with each new thing you want to change and incorporate will give you further ideas about it. So it’s good not to ponder it too much but simply take action on your ideas.
All Change Starts By Taking Action
We can have many good ideas but if we don’t take action on them nothing happens.
Many people have many good ideas but don’t take action on them. And it can be the minds voice saying “oh that’s too difficult to do” or “I’m not fully sure how to do this”. Don’t let your mind stop you from taking action on the desires you truly have in your live. Your desires and interests are what propel you forward in life. And the truth is you don’t actually have to know it. You don’t have to know how to do it to start something out. Just start out and let the experience teach you.
So many people think they have to know it all or plan it down to the minutest detail first to succeed with a thing. And that’s not true. All you have to have is an idea and a true interest and desire to see that idea come to fruition, Then it will. You’ll make it happen quite naturally when you truly desire for a thing.
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To summarize. First know your why, for wanting to change a thing. This is important because if you don’t know why you desire to make changes you likely won’t. It will just be an idea in your mind without manifesting into life.
2nd. Set a goal – even a long term goal for when you would like to have your changes manifest. Write it down as a part of making it a reality and to have that goal to stear towards.
3rd If your lifestyle changes for example center on weight loss and dieting, you may want to set up an environment where snacks don’t lie around to tempt you. That would hinder your progress. So make sure you clean up your environment for such temptations.
4th Slowly begin to incorporate your changes slowly. Start with one thing and make that a part of your lifestyle before going to the next thing. You’ll be overwhelmed if you want to change everything at once. That is not possible. So don’t do that.
5th Make sure you are loving the changes you make because it will become part of your daily routine.
If you get stuck somehow or think it’s too difficult to achieve your goal, just think about your why, as this will help you find motivation to keep going.